Business Transformation Planning
Efficient and successful implementation of digital twins is not just a matter of developing or buying software, it also requires a holistic methodology that takes all relevant aspects into account. The Novius framework for Business Transformation Planning is just that. As digital twins are about physical assets, the green column related to infrastructure and facilities should get special attention.

As a business leader, you have the ambition to prepare your organisation for the future. You’re aware of digital twins and want to implement them in a way that brings maximum value for your business operations. You also want to know what the organisation actually has to do to achieve this. In short: you want to translate your objectives into a coherent set of activities, and you need to do this in a structured and sustainable way.
It's important to understand that implementing digital twins is not just a matter of developing or buying software. It touches a wide range of business operations. This can be anything from the way you interact with customers and how your staff work, to your employees’ capabilities and how digital twins integrate with the rest of your information management landscape and IT infrastructure.
From this perspective, translating strategy and strategic goals directly into a concrete project and change portfolio is too big a leap to make all at once. Although common in many organisations, practice shows that overreaching leads to ambiguity, uncertainty, and the wrong activities and projects. To successfully implement digital twins, you need a holistic business transformation methodology that takes different strategic and project aspects into account.
The Novius framework for Business Transformation Planning (BTP) is just that. On the framework’s vertical axis, we translate strategic ambitions into implementation programmes through several successive steps: from a sharp strategy and objectives via principles, IST, and SOLL architectures and action points to an executable change portfolio. On the horizontal axis, we align the various aspects of business operations: customers and services, processes and organisation, information and applications, and IT infrastructure and facilities. The framework is a toolkit for each step you have to take to efficiently and successfully implement a digital twin.
For a digital twin theme-based BTP, elements like effective and efficient facility operations, asset development and maintenance management, and sustainability need greater attention than with the standard BTP method. This because for digital twins, there’s a greater focus on physical assets and how to manage them.